• Hands-Only CPR

    If you see a teen or adult suddenly collapse, hands-only CPR is the recommended form of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). It not only increases the likelihood of surviving breathing and cardiac emergencies that occur outside of medical settings, but it's simple to learn and easy to remember. For a refresher any time, you can print up this page and keep it with the rest of your first-aid supplies.

    Before Giving CPR


    Check the scene and the person. Check to make sure the scene is safe, tap the person on the shoulder to see if they're OK, and look for signs of rhythmic, normal breathing.


    Call 911 for assistance. If there's no response from the victim when asked if he or she is OK, call 911, or ask a bystander to call for help.


    Begin compressions. If the person is unresponsive, perform hands-only CPR.

    How to Perform Hands-Only CPR


    Ensure the person is on their back on a firm, flat surface


    Kneel beside the person

    • Your knees should be near the person’s body and spread about shoulder width apart


    Use correct hand placement

    • Place the heel of one hand in the center of their chest, with your other hand on top
    • Interlace your fingers and make sure they are up off the chest


    Use correct body position

    • Position your body so that your shoulders are directly over your hands
    • Lock your elbows to keep your arms straight


    Give continuous compressions

    • Push hard and fast (at least 2 inches; 100 to 120 compressions per minute)


    Allow chest to return to its normal position after each compression

    Be prepared for moments that matter by taking a CPR class today.