• First Aid Training

    American Red Cross first aid training classes give you the information and the skills you need to help adults and children during many emergency situations. Available online, in person, and via our blended training method, which combines online work with hands-on skills sessions, our first aid training delivers the latest information in the format that suits you best.

    Taking First Aid Classes

    Red Cross first aid training gives you access to best-in-class instruction in three unique ways. Whether you prefer the interaction available in a traditional classroom setting, the freedom to learn at your own pace online, or want a combination of the two, our innovative classes can help you learn the material your way. Find a class today.

    Why Get Certified -

    The first aid training and certification process takes just a few hours to complete, but can help you deliver the care that someone needs while waiting for medical professionals to arrive.

    When you successfully complete any of our in-person or blended learning courses, you'll receive a two-year certification, as well as access to refreshers that can help you maintain your skills throughout your certification period.

    First Aid Renewal & Recertification -

    If you've already been through Red Cross first aid training but need to renew your certification, you can do so in an abbreviated class designed to refresh your skills and test your knowledge.

    First Aid Programs for Schools -

    Teachers and administrators can not only receive first aid training from the American Red Cross, but when they become part of our school program, they can also train their students in first aid for free. Find out how to join our program.

    Why Train With the Red Cross

    Red Cross CPR Training Saves Lives

    Reid Heiser, Life Saver
    One week after 17-year-old Reid completed his Red Cross CPR training, he needed to use it. In November 2011, Reid saved the life of Jim Hammer after he collapsed at the recreation center where Reid worked. Now friends, they share their story.

    Red Cross training matters
    For more than a century, we've prepared people to respond to emergencies of all sizes - from the everyday to the large disaster. Join the millions we train every year and learn the skills that can save a life.

    "Without my friend's training, I would not be here"
    - Watch Bre Dumke's Story

    "I'm really glad she survived that"
    - Watch the Snyder Family's Story